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Harness the Healing Properties of Aquamarine Jewelry

Harness the Healing Properties of Aquamarine Jewelry

“Medicine for the soul” is an appropriate description of Aquamarine gemstones. It’s a beautiful gem that has been treasured for centuries because of its soothing and protective properties. Aquamarine is widely believed to be a powerful healing crystal that can help to alleviate stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions.

Since it has a strong connection to water, it’s also professed to be an ideal stone for promoting clarity and tranquility in your life. We’ll explore the various healing properties of Aquamarine stones and how you can harness its power to enhance your overall well-being.

If you are looking for a natural way to reduce stress and anxiety, read on to discover the healing properties of Aquamarine jewelry.

What Are Aquamarine Gemstones?

Aquamarine stone

Aquamarine, the birthstone of March, is from the beryl species, which also comprises Emerald and Morganite. It’s traditionally thought of as a semi-precious gem. The name aquamarine is derived from Aqua marinaen, meaning ‘water of the sea’ in Latin, which accurately describes the stone’s distinct blue-green hue. Its color results from trace amounts of iron in its structure.

The History of Aquamarine

The mesmerizing beauty of Aquamarine stones has long been recognized and admired by ancient civilizations. According to Greek and Roman legends, the origin of this remarkable gem is attributed to the gods. In one such story, Poseidon is said to have created it from the ocean’s blue-green waters, thus earning its name.

People throughout the centuries saw it as a symbol of safety while sailing the seas. Navies and traders used it as a protective measure. Even fishermen who couldn’t afford the stone believed in its protective quality.

The Romans saw it as a charm that could turn foes into allies and help them predict the future. In many other cultures, Aquamarine has been claimed to bring serenity, balance, and overall energizing effects to the wearer.

Modern Use of Aquamarine Gemstones

The use of jewelry as a form of healing is an ancient practice that has retained popularity in modern times.

Aquamarine Ring

Today, Aquamarine is still seen as a symbol of safety and security for those at sea. On land, couples gift each other the gemstone to bring them peace and harmony in their relationship. With the power to provide protection at sea and foster unconditional love on land, it’s a stone of timeless significance. As the birthstone of March, Aquamarine jewelry also makes a great birthday gift.

Healing Properties of Aquamarine

The stone is considered to have several health benefits. The wearer of Aquamarine jewelry can harness physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Physical Healing Properties

On a physical level, the gemstone is said to:

  • Help relieve symptoms of fluid retention.
  • Detox the body because of its association with water, which is cleansing.
  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Promote restorative sleep.
  • Help with ailments such as the flu, sinus infections, and headaches.
  • Balance hormones.
  • Enhance circulation.
  • Improve liver, spleen, and pituitary gland function.
  • Aid in the absorption of nutrients.

Emotional Healing Properties

The Aquamarine stone is purported to bring its wearer several emotional benefits, as it’s believed to promote balance and calmness. Wearing Aquamarine jewelry may:

  • Encourage emotional balance. The gemstone’s emotionally stabilizing effects help to keep the wearer grounded and centered. It is said that the stone can help you stay connected with your inner truth, which is a great aid when emotions are out of control and you feel overwhelmed.
  • Support self-understanding. Aquamarine helps promote self-understanding and compassion, allowing the wearer to look inward and start healing. With this heightened level of awareness, you can pay attention to your emotions, leading to better decisions making.
  • Calm the nerves. The stones are thought to calm the nerves and reduce anxiety. This is a significant benefit for those having a hard time in public situations or needing to make impactful decisions about life.

Spiritual Healing properties

Aquamarine is popularly used in meditation. It’s widely believed that the stone relates to specific chakras. The gem bridges the gap between the physical and metaphysical realms. Therefore, the wearing can connect with the spiritual world. This enhanced insight can bring the wearer clarity and courage. It can also mean the stimulation of creativity.

  • Connection to the Third Eye Chakra:
    This chakra is in the center of the forehead. Therefore, aquamarine stones can activate intuition, wisdom, and psychic knowing.
  • Connection to the Heart Chakra:
    The Heart Chakra is the energy center of love, compassion, and healing. That’s why aquamarine is said to be a stone that nurtures one’s sense of inner peace, calms fears, and builds trust in relationships. It can promote greater self-love and acceptance and bring a soothing influence to help with issues related to your emotions.
  • Connection to the Crown Chakra:
    This chakra is at the top of the head. Aquamarine’s link to it helps to bring spiritual enlightenment, clarity of thought, and a connection to a higher power. It encourages you to open up to a greater understanding of the world and yourself.

How to Use Aquamarine Jewelry in Self-care and Meditation

Aquamarine Ring

Here are some suggestions on how to use Aquamarine stones:

  1. Wear pieces of Aquamarine jewelry, such as rings, bracelets, and necklaces, to protect yourself from negative energies.
  2. Hold an Aquamarine gem in your hands or place them around your body while meditating to stimulate your aura and form a connection to the spiritual world.
  3. Incorporating Aquamarine into your personal and work environment can cultivate a peaceful atmosphere. Having them around the house or office can also help activate courage and surround you with protective energy.
  4. Soak in a bath of Aquamarine stones for a calming and healing experience.
  5. To increase the power of throat chakra healing sessions, use Aquamarine gems. They are believed to help balance and open the throat chakra, promoting better communication and allowing healing to take place in this energy center.
  6. The gems are said to offer protection while in the ocean. You can wear jewelry or drop a stone in your luggage for your next overseas trip.

Final Thoughts

Aquamarine is a beautiful crystal that has offered many healing benefits going back to ancient civilizations. Our love and belief in the gemstone have remained consistent in modern times.

Today, it’s commonly used in jewelry, making it more accessible to those who want to benefit from its beauty and various healing properties.

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